About me

My name is Tauno Arujarv, but for some I'm also known by my artist pseudonym Juwarra. I have master in art pedagogy, but I would be very much able to teach history as well. Additionally in university I studied a little bit movie directing and editing and also commercial/advertising design. I'm currently freelance, taking orders for painting, illustration or design works. But I wouldn't refuse a good permanent/stationary job, would it be in one of the fields already said, or in advertising, journalism, acting or movie industry or maybe even teaching. Or call me to the party... I'm also a DJ, mainly focusing on reggae and world music parties.

I'm born artist, meaning it was destined already by my genes, that I would become an artist. In art I try my hand in pretty much everything. I like to experiment with medium, technique and style, but of course I have some principles and hand writing. Like in art, being diverse is also important part of my living philosophy. I try to be like chameleon, fitting into different environments and finding friends among variety of very different people. I'm young lad unlike most. I have lots of personality and somewhat crazy ideas, but I'm also extremely ethical and decent. My interest for compromises is depending on situation. I have smaller and greater missions that I try to set as first. Great mission is to change the world (a little by little), its values and modus operandi. I fight against stupidity, superficiality, racism, smoking, alcoholism, overproduction, mass society and injustice of all kinds of authorities towards their "underlings". And I fight for economical justice, peacefulness and hedonism, semiorganic lifestyle, propagation of creativity and multitude of culture, quality education, propagation of unofficial education, equality, child rights and propagation of emotionality. My small mission is my personal aim and enterprise to get back to Kenya, where's my heart.